Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Kushisake-onna, or the slit-mouthed woman

This urban legend depicts the existence of a strange woman that appears in Japan where you walk alone at night or at a gloomy day. She wear a surgery mask, something usual in Japan due to the high level of pollution and where people usually wear them to prevent spreading diseases. But she will then ask you this question : "Am I pretty?"
If you answer "No", she will use a large pair of scissors to kill you. But if you answer "Yes", she will remove her surgery mask, revealing an atrocious face, her mouth split ear to ear. She will then ask you : "And now?". If you answer "No", she will slit your mouth in half with her large pair of scissors. However, if your answer to her next question is "Yes", she will leave you alone. And when you will be about to go home, she will reappear and cut your face ear to ear.
In conclusion, meeting her is an almost certain death for you.
Running away is not an option since when she will not be in you field of vision anymore, she will reappear in front of you relentlessly.
There is however an escape. You have to be smart and confuse her. When you will be asked if she is pretty, ask her if you are pretty, since she will be confused by that question, you will have enough time to escape her. An other trick is to blame her for make you late to a meeting, since in Japan, delaying someone's schedule is considered unpolite, she will apologize and let you leave.
A certain version of the urban legend says that if you offer her sweets and candies, she will let you go.

Now, who is this mysterious woman?

Legends say that once uppon a time, in medieval Japan, there was a beautiful woman married to a samurai who discovered her infedility. Furious, the samurai drew his sword and mutilated her face, shouting at the same time : "Who is going to see you pretty now?".

Dishonored and humiliated, the spirit of the outraged woman returned from the dead as an onryo, appearing nowadays as a mouth covered woman with scissors in her hand, wandering in isolated places in Japan and wreaking havoc on unlucky trespassers.



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